
Documentation Pages of MultiPacker


MultiPacker is an Unreal Engine 4 Plugin editor for manipulate Textures and Bake Materials, Channel Packing or SDF Images; all done inside Unreal Engine.

Its greatly helpful for Mobile Projects, allowing a great save of texture memory.

More than Pack Textures and Materials, MultiPacker have a lot of tools to give a faster creation and iteration of content. Features an easy system to make on the fly UMG Buttons and Images, Variables are exposed to Animate and do some fancy animations.


-Pack Textures By Channels.
-Do Texture Atlas from Tiles or Irregular shapes.
-Options to Save on RGB/RGBA, by channel(allowing degradations), or
a experimental method who saves 3 Masks by channel(No Degradation
-Can do SDF from Masks.
-Bake Materials and Material Instances to Textures.
-Can make a series of Material Bake programmatically easily.
-Can create Flipbooks.
-Data saved on a Material Collection and on a MultiPackerDatabase.
-With the Material Collection and a set of Material Function you can
extract the Texture and use on Materials.
-With the MultiPackerDatabase you can make UMG Images and Buttons
and Animate It.
-Material Functions to Personal Material uses.
-An dedicated Asset To set a LayerStyle allowing reuse the style 
on some UMG components and save time with iterations.
-Material Runtime Graph is a graph who bakes on runtime the assets 
selected and made on memory an RenderTarget to get the result 
"Textures", great to create programatically textures like noise, 
and save memory.